
Awareness camp on first thousand days of life conducted

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An awareness camp  on the ‘ First 1000 days of Life’  right from Mother’s womb to Second Birthday was conducted for the villagers of Jarasingha village under Banarapal Block of Angul District in collaboration with Integrated Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS), National Health Mission (NHM) and JSPL Foundation. Beneficiaries like Pregnant Women, Lactating mother, Adolescent girls, and member from Gaon Kalyana Sammitti, Self Help Group, Jaanch and Mother Committee, mother / father of 0-3 year old children from 6 AWCs of Jarasingha village were attended the awareness camp. At this camp ,about 100 beneficiaries were sensitized about mother and child care practices especially  on First 1000 day approach as the health and well-being of a pregnant and lactating woman is directly connected to the growth and health of her infant. The right nutrition for the mother and for the child during this time can have a profound impact on the child’s growth and development and reduce disease risk, as well as protect the mother’s health. Undernutrition during pregnancy, affecting foetal growth, is a major determinant of stunting and can lead to consequences such as obesity and nutrition-related non-communicable diseases in adulthood.Appreciating the initiative of JSPL Foundation in this regard, Smt Shallu Jindal, Chairperson JSPL Foundation said “The First 1000 days of Life from Conception to the Second Birthday of the Child is the most critical period to provide nutrition to ensure normal biological and neurological development of the Child. We all Change Makers need to impart deep awareness on the above in the Community and Field functionaries.
I congratulate JSPL Foundation Team to undertake such a vital social campaign across the geography of its operation”.On this occasion a session was taken by Dr. K.P. Behera, Child specialist & CMO-OHC-JSPL on child and mother nutrition while the details of Govt. services available at Anganawadi Center for the beneficiaries and 1000 days approach was spoken by Ms. Laxmipriya Bahidar, CDPO, Banarapal, a quiz session on health and nutrition was also organised by Sabita Pradhan, Sector supervisor, ICDS and details of Govt. provided immunisation schedule for the children was conveyed by Sanjukta Sahoo, ANM. During the quiz programme, participants were encouraged by providing gift packets. A healthy food demonstration was also organised by Anganawadi workers to disseminate the nutritious value of locally available food materials.
Controlling IMR, MMR and malnutrition and undernutrition in Women and Children is one of the major focus of the CSR programmes of JSPL , implemented under the umbrella support   of JSPL Foundation.


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