
National level Women’s Volley ball tournament to be held at Ntpc Talcher

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National Level Women’s Volley Ball is being organised at NTPC Talcher Kaniha by the Sports Council. The event is part of a CSR initiative of the Station and will be held between 29th February and 1st March, 2020. Six teams from different states are participating in this mega event – Chattisgarh, Bihar, West Bengal, Vizag, East Coast Railway and KIIT Odisha.84 state level players are going to be part of the sports event. The Station has deployed 34 employees from various departments as volunteers for the event.
The Sports Council of the Station organises this tournament every year to promote a spirit of sportsmanship among all and to provide an opportunity for all to excel in the field of sports. NTPC Talcher Kaniha regularly organises sports tournaments in the form of Rural Football, Kabaddi, Athletics Meet etc to promote sports and physical fitness among all.

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